My DORMS Experience and New Hire Paperwork

Hello Everyone!

As I said yesterday, today I am writing about my experience trying to request roommates and housing for DORMS!

My DORMS experience was anything but easy, but I do want to stress that what happened to me was not common for the Spring 2015 arrivals. It was a large portion of the February 2nd arrivals that experienced what happened to me and my roomies, but not everyone.

First of all DORMS stands for Disney On-site Resident Management System
You can read the step by step instructions on how to do the DORMS signup HERE

So what happened exactly? So let's start with the New Hire Paperwork. My friend who is moving in the same day as me got her New Hire Paperwork December 22nd. I was thinking it's weird that I hadn't gotten it, but I still had time. The New Hire Paperwork is important because it needs to be done in order to do your DORMS sign up. Time went by....and more time... still no New Hire Paperwork. None of my roomies had received theirs either, so I thought I would be okay! Until it was the week we were to receive our DORMS email and none of us had even gotten our New Hire Paperwork yet!

We were stressed to say the least. Each of us called the DCP phone line at least three times. We were so nervous and frustrated! All they could tell us was that they had gotten behind on "processing" us, so we just had to wait. Then Tuesday came, and the DORMS email starting going out to everyone, except those of us who had not received our New Hire Paperwork yet. There was a good bit of us freaking out on the facebook page about this. We called that day, and the kind lady tried helping us by putting us on a list of people to double check. We felt like we had at least done something, but we were stressing nonetheless.

The reason why we were so nervous about this was because DORMS assigns complexes to CP's based on a number of things, including when you sent in your request. They were forcing us to send our request in late! This was not our only problem...

On Tuesday night one of my roomies, Sara, received her New Hire Paperwork. This made us very exited!  On Wednesday my roomie Kelsey got her New Hire Paperwork, then later in the day I got mine!

We were very excited, but that still left three of our roomies without any emails. I did my New Hire Paperwork ASAP. Then on Thursday morning I woke up to my DORMS email! This email has the very important roommate number on it. This is required to link everyone together. I was very excited at first, until I realized that I couldn't do anything until all of my roommates received their DORMS email! So I waited, and later that day Sara and Kelsey got their DORMS email with their roommate number, but three of my roommates still hadn't even gotten their New Hire Paperwork. Thursday night I received an email warning me that DORMS requests had to be sent in before 4:00 EST on Friday, and that gave us one day for Disney to sent my roommates their emails.

Friday turned out to be a good day :) At first nothing happened, and we called yet again. They requested that we email Disney Housing with our roommate list and they would do what they could to get us together, but they couldn't guarantee anything. So we emailed them with our roommate list. Three of us did, just to make sure they got it. Disney housing emailed Kelsey back saying that we should get on DORMS and link up who we can. So I volunteered to be the leader, and I linked up Sara, Kelsey and I. Then around 11 am my roomie Wendi got her New Hire Paperwork. She did it super fast, and got her DORMS email about 45 minutes after sending in her Paperwork. So I got back on DORMS and added Wendi to my list. As I was going through the steps, I got to the last page where we confirm our selections, and I saw the most glorious thing...

Molly and Haley were on the list too!! They didn't have roomate numbers by theirs names, so Disney must have gone in and added them! Disney really came through for us :) The only problem was because they still hadn't been processed, they couldn't confirm their request. I think Disney will understand though.

So that's what happened! Molly and Haley STILL haven't received their New Hire Paperwork or DORMS email and we move in to Disney in 6 days. At least we will be together, whatever happens :D

My advice for everyone that may be doing this in the future is to

  1. Stay calm 
  2. Call if you want,but not too much! Sometimes there's not much they can tell you. Wait as long as you can before calling.
  3. Stay positive because Disney will do what it can to take care of it's employees ;)
Hope you guys enjoyed this post! If ya'll have any questions, just comment below and I will get right back to you :)

Courtney S.
The Disney Darling

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