Phone Interview: Summer CP


So as I promised, I am writing about my experience interviewing for my Alumni only Summer DCP in Orlando. I have done a phone interview before for my first program, so I didn't stress out too much about this one. My friend had hers before me, so she helped me out by telling me what sort of questions I should expect in my interview. The questions were simple and exactly what I expected from the interview. It wasn't hard, and it lasted 25 minutes for me.

This time around I decided to record myself so that I would remember what she asked me, and so that I could see how I answered it. You can watch the video below! It shows you the question before I answer it in the video.

Here is how my interview looked (from what I remember):

  • She started off confirming information from my application
    • You were a concierge, correct?
    • Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
  • Then she asked questions about my previous CP
    • Tell me about your housing experience.
    • Tell me about a time when you and your roommates had a disagreement.
    • What would you gain from doing another CP?
    • What was your favorite part about your role?
    • Tell me about a time when you resolved an issue at work with a guest.
    • Tell me about a time you handled an emergency situation at work.
  • Then she asked questions about roles I had put high interest in
    • I see you put high interest in attraction. Can you tell me why?
    • What would you do if a child did not reach the height requirement at your attraction?
    • I see you put high interest in merchandise. Can you tell me why?
    • If a guest couldn't find what they were looking for, how would you help them?
    • I see you put high interest in bell services, can you tell me why?
  • Preferences
    • What are your top two or three roles?
    • Which role do you feel most qualified for?
    • If you were to request an attraction, park, or resort, what would they be?
  • Questions!

That is basically the outline of what I was asked on my interview. If you'd like to see me answer the questions watch the video below!!

See ya real soon!
Courtney S.

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