Christmas and New Year's With the Disney Darling

Hello World!

So I thought I would have tons of time once I got out of school to blog and make videos, but turns out I was very wrong. I went back to work at sonic in my hometown, and have been working VERY long hours there. Plus I have been trying to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends, not to mention even more time with my boyfriend. Then we had Christmas: parties, lunches with family, shopping, and work work work! It was madness. On December 29th my family and I left to go to my cousin's wedding in Arizona! This was the highlight of my holiday season I think. We stayed in Scottsdale, and drove to Sedona for a day. The day we went to Sedona it snowed. Red rock mountains + white thick snow = HEAVEN. I had never seen snow before, and snowy Sedona was like a chilly, vivid dream. There was only one problem. The day of the wedding it was below freezing, raining, and I had no coat (I wasn't expecting such cold weather). Let's just say I got VERY sick on this trip. I am currently in bed trying to recover actually. I was able to make this video while in bed, so I hope ya'll enjoy!

I promise there will be more DCP videos coming soon. I have about three more weeks until I move in!! My best friend Marissa moves in monday as well as my friend Maegan. This is all happening so fast!

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