Disney Professional Internships: My Journey Begins

Hello Everyone!

Today is Tuesday, January 24th, and on this past Monday, most of the Professional Internships for WDW were posted. This is it guys... the day has arrived!

I have been planning on applying for the Disney Professional Internships since my Disney College Program in Spring 2015, and I am so excited to get started with my applications! I will admit that I am a ball of mixed emotions right now. I am excited that one of these may be my future job with the company, I am scared that I will not get one, I am stressed about how much work I have to do for the applications, and I am thrilled that I am finally taking this big step!

I have been carving out time in my busy school day to work on my resume, cover letter, and writing samples. This is going to be a busy last semester of college. I want to get my applications in by Sunday, just to make sure that I am not late to the game. Many of the applications require me to write a few samples, so I will be doing a lot of writing this week, and not just on this blog!

I am going to wait to post the list of jobs I am applying to on here until I actually apply. As of now, I have a list of 12 Internships that I could apply to, and that doesn't include the one Internship I applied to earlier this month (It came out in December, A LOT earlier than the rest). Six of those Internships require me to include some type of example of my writing, such as a press release and blog post.

I am SO EXCITED to finally be starting this adventure. I know it is going to be a long process, so I am anxious to get it started.

I know I am qualified for these positions, so right now I just have to make sure I communicate that with my resume. I am just taking it one thing at a time! As Walt would say, "keep moving forward."

The Disney Darling

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