Next Step!


So I applied to the Alumni only Summer DCP on January 13th. I received my invitation to do the Web Based Interview (WBI) around 1:00 PM, but I was having tea with a friend so I had to wait until around 8 PM to do it. I did the WBI and immediately got the page at the end of the quiz saying that I was a "strong candidate" and that my next step is to do the phone interview. I had to wait for the email that had a link to choose my time; it came in about 15 minutes. The earliest day I could choose to do my interview was January 27th... that was two weeks from the day I applied. This goes to show how popular this program is!! All that happened on the first day of it being open.

So now I am patiently waiting for two things 1. my DCP interview and 2. the rest of the PI's to drop.
I have been checking the Professional Internship page every day, and every day new ones are available. They still aren't all of them. Hopefully all of them will open soon.

That's all of my updates for now! I am just waiting, waiting, waiting...

Courtney S.

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