Check- In Day!

The Wednesday before I left for Orlando, I received an email reminder about my move-in date, which included my move-in time. I got the 9:45-10:45 time frame! This was early enough, but I could still sleep in ;) Three of my hopeful roomies got this time, but two got an earlier one, so that made us a little bit nervous.

The day of move-in I woke up at 7:30 and took a shower. I made sure all of my things were packed up from the hotel, then did my make-up. My dad and I went to breakfast in the hotel, and we were ready for 9. We decided to go ahead and find Vista Way, then we would go get a drink and wait for my move-in time. The police at the gate are very strict about only letting people in after their move-in time. So we found Vista Way, and then went to the Wendy's on the corner. Wendi and Haley, two of my hopeful roommates were staying at a hotel nearby so they walked over to meet me at Wendy's. Then Kelsey, the third, met us there as well. It was awesome to meet everyone, and we all felt like we already knew each other. They got a snack, then we made our way to Vista Way. 

On the way there, our other two roommates who had gotten there early messaged us all asking if we wanted to know which complex we got or if we wanted it to be a surprise. Of course we wanted to know!!! So finally we found out what we got, which was...


We were very excited :D This wasn't our number one choice (which was Patterson), but it was our second choice! We were nervous that because it took us longer to get our emails we wouldn't get the complex we wanted, but we lucked out! We later discovered that most people with our move-in date had received either Vista Way or Chatham, and very few got Patterson. 

So we drove through the gates, dropped the parents off at the parent wait area (which was very nice), and went to find our area. The lines were very long, but they gave us a chance to talk to eachother. After waiting in line for a while we finally got to a lady who told us our location. I will be a concierge at....


Not my first choice, but I am very excited to be part of making the magic for tons of families. Everyone told me the all star resorts are the busiest, so my shifts will go by faster! I'm pretty excited. Plus I can pick up shifts at other resorts and explore :D After me, Kelsey went and found out she got photopass in Magic Kingdom. Then Wendi, my roomie who is a concierge as well, found out she got The Grand Floridian!!! She freaked out; I'm pretty excited for her. The next stop was soon after, the line was short, and that was where we found out our housing location. I went up to a lady who asked my name. She then told me that all of my linked roomies were together in Chatham! Yay! It was confirmed that we are all together! the one bad thing was that we wanted a 3 bedroom, 6 person room but we got a 2 bedroom, 6 person room, It really isn't bad though :) There is a bunkbed in each room. 

So we waited in a short line to take out picture for our housing ID, then we got our room key, then picked up our ID. Outside they gave us more information, filled out some paperwork, then we were done!! We got our schedule for the next week including when our Traditions session was and when we went to casting. We got very lucky and all of my roommates had the same Traditions time! We also had casting the same day as check-in. Sometimes it can be the next day!

We had about an hour to go drop some things off in our room, which was a very cool room, and then we went to catch the bus to the casting building! Casting was pretty easy, I rather enjoyed it :D It took about an hour and a half then we went back to the apartment to unpack! It took a while to unpack; really a couple days. After about an hour I drove my dad back to his hotel. I was going to meet him for breakfast in the morning before he left. Then we opened roommate gifts! Everything was so cute; I have REALLY talented roommates!

After we opened our presents, the moms made their way back to their hotel rooms. Then we all drove to the Polynesian hotel for our dinner reservations at Kona! We all ordered appetizers, and then we ran outside to watch Wishes! We were running late, so we decided to come back and order deserts after the fireworks! So we watched the fireworks from the back, and went back for desserts and coffee. It was awesome, and we all had a great time. I knew that I made a good choice on roommates!

More to come!
Courtney S.

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